
Oceanside Longboard Surfing Club


The specific purposes of the Oceanside Longboard Surfing Club include organizing, holding and participating in surfing contests and other surfing related events and engaging in similar activities, either by ourselves or in association with other non-profit organizations to raise funding to promote the heritage, culture and sport of surfing and to protect and preserve our coastal and marine environments.

Your tax-deductible donations helps us support organizations such as the El Camino High School, Scholastic Surfing Series, California Surf Museum, Surfing Heritage and Culture Center, Surfrider Foundation, Groundswell Society, The Best Day Foundation, James Greer Foundation, Marine Corps Community Services and Wounded Warrior Project.

Oceanside Longboard Surfing Club is a non-profit 501 C 3 organization. EIN # 33-0966827


By clicking the donate button below you will be sent to Paypal where you will have the option to use a credit card or a Paypal account. You will also be able to make a single donation or select reoccurring. Thank you so much for your support of the Oceanside Longboard Surfing Club!
If you do any online shopping through Amazon, you can help the Oceanside Longboard Surfing Club. Click on the image below to begin the signup process and shop away! Amazon donates to charities based on sales that identify a group to support. It’s not a lot but it does add up. Feel free to make a direct donation but this is another way for the club to obtain some money.